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Stop your Bullshit


This is a powerful three part series which helps you look at all the bullshit you have been telling yourself. We often don’t realise that we get stuck in different situations because we tell ourselves stories and excuses of why we don’t do that what we need to.
All of these excuses seem absolutely justified at the moment.  Allow me to give you the tools to stop procrastinating, in other words bullshitting yourself and get on with it.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for you – entrepreneurs, youth, those
who want a raise, those who want a promotion and basically everyone that wants to live a fulfilled life.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Beliefs systems and our interaction with it

  • Awareness of our Victim Mindset (we all have it)

  • Breaking unhealthy patterns

  • Allowing for Authentic Emotions

  • Learning how to communicate


To be decided

Business meeting
Business Meeting
Video Call

Focused Journaling

Bible discussion group



Come prepared to learn the art of focused journaling where you instantly get in a space of awareness, change your decisions, and regulate emotions. Learn to parent your inner child.

Who is this workshop for?

This is for everyone. Absolutely everyone.

Key Takeaways

This short and effective method of journaling is what I have used with my clients.

  • Builds awareness

  • Takes you to the root of the issue

  • Identifies real emotions

  • Creating new permissions


To be decided

The     so easy guide to Parenting


The     so easy guide to Parenting


Before I had my first child, if someone told me parenting does not look
like the mums on Instagram, I would have been better prepared. Every child is different, but every parent needs similar toolkits to raise world citizens. Most importantly, the world is ever changing and our children have different challenges.

Who is this workshop for?

It is for primary care-givers, could be mums, dads, or grandparents.

Key Takeaways

  • What does parenting mean to you?

  • Assessing your relationship with your child.

  • Understanding our intentions behind becoming a parent.

  • Learning to collaborate with our children.

  • Learning to contract with our children.


To be decided

Family Decorating Eggs
Family Soccer

Building Self Awareness

Bible discussion group

Building Self Awareness

Whatever task you to do in life gives us a fulfilling experience if we do it
with awareness. Working out, being with friends, completing our chores  all of it require a certain level of commitment to it.

Who is this workshop for?

It is for that individual that is ready to build awareness about themselves and get to know themselves.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding belief system. 

  • Exploring our emotions.

  • Understanding what real and inauthentic emotions are.

  • Deep diving in the stories we tell ourselves.

  • Creating intentions


To be decided

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